Monday, 5 October 2015

English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy

As we talked about the importance of grammar for ESL students. The ESL teachers need  to provide continuous drilling in order to ESL students recognize words order and sentence structure. Grammar and vocabulary lessons provide the basic structure needed before ESL students can move on the additional English grammar.
ESL students need extra grammar assignments in order to foster writing skills. To provide extra practice after the classes, I suggest to my students “ English grammar rules by Raymond Murphy” It has clear English grammar rules explanations and exercises that help even weaker students understand English. Most of the tests in the book require learners to use their imagination rather than vocabulary. There is no need to read the whole book, but instead you can choose some of the areas that you need to improve. In other words, the book is good for reference.
The best thing about this book is, it is available to download free on smartphones, tabs, and Ipads. Once students have finished downloading this book, they can start practice different grammatical rules. It will provide an explanation with examples and exercise to practice their understanding. For ESL students developing a solid foundation in basic English grammar will help to construct sentences correctly and make it easier to improve writing and speaking skills.
If an ESL teacher introduces this application to their students they may save themselves to spend a lot of time exposing students to the structure. This application may allow ESL teachers to provide enough practice to their students after school.
By: Aayesha Qureshi 

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