Monday, 20 July 2015

Hangman Game to Introduce Vocabulary Words

Today in my ESL classroom, I played hangman game. I used a PowerPoint presentation to introduce a short story. In the story there were new vocabulary words. I explained the meaning of words by using object and pictures.
When my students understood meaning of the vocabulary words. I gave them the words to play hangman.
 HOW TO PLAY: Choose one person to be the executioner. That person will think of a word or short phrase an mark out blanks (short lines) for each letter of each word. Separate words with either a slash, a fairly wide gap, or place words on separate lines. Then another player will guess a letter. If that letter is in the word(s) then write the letter in everywhere it would appear, an cross out that letter in the alphabet. If the letter isn't in the word, then add a body part to the gallows (head, body, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg). The player will continue guessing letters until they can either solve the word (or phrase) or all six body parts are on the gallows.
In my classroom, I was the executor and I told my ESL class I will use words which we learned today.
My classroom was full of excitement and my all students participated in it.  I realized this is a good way to help my students to memorize spelling too. I instructed my students to memorize same words and we will repeat the game in the next class to check spelling.
By: Aayesha Qureshi 

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